The Dalai Lama crowd follow Guru Rinpoche that lived 800 years after Buddha. He gave spiritual means for killing, and advised to kill everyone religious. Every government they collaborate with kill millions of religious people, starting with Hitler who used their Swastika symbol.
In Dalai Lama's Tibet, mutilations, torture and executions were common, according to historians. Punishments included killing of children and grand children, gauching eyes out, and chopping hands off. While the Dalai Lama crowd lived in great luxury, children would starve to death.
The Dalai Lama crowd have continued their sex abuse in the West, and threaten with Hell, death to your children, and destruction of your organs, if you turn them down. Dalai Lama covers up the abuse.
The CIA acknowledge that the Dalai Lama crowd are CIA hired since 1951, and that the 'freedom fight' in Tibet is only to keep Tibet a 'running sore'.