Sex Abuse in the West

The Dalai Lama crowd have continued their sex abuse in the West, and threaten with Hell, death to your children, and destruction of your organs, if you turn them down. Dalai Lama covers up the abuse.

VIDEO: Documentary - Dalai Lama covers for Lamas who sex abuse in the West  

VIDEO: Historian Stefan Molyneux - Paedophilia accepted in Dalai Lama's Tibet (7:11 - 15:00)

The guru in the photo, Chokyi Nyima, declared openly in Denmark, summer 2001, that a woman's children would have to die and her "bloodline be cut" when she turned him down for sex and worship. It was stated in front of 130 people but nothing was done about it, nor were anyone warned against his problems. He had stalked the woman since she was a teenager, wanting to have a sexual relationship, according to his senior students.

Chokyi Nyima is the guru that runs the Gomde centers in Europe and the US:

Warning to newcomers: when Chokyi Nyima wants to sex abuse a woman, she gets the special honour of serving his butter tea in his bedroom.